Today is the middle qualification, which is possibly the event in which we have our strongest chance to qualify. Again the weather has developed a little fog and is fairly cool, perfect for running, however the weather forecast says that it will be getting hotter as the day wears on.
The area is very flat, with low contour features (very low) and it has a lot of paths and green. The controls will be hung fairly high, according to the organisers, high enough so that you can see them once in the control ring! Today it will be control that will be the name of the game, and there will be many athletes out there who will make technical errors, increasing the chances of other nations. The course lengths vary from 4.9 km to 5.2 km with 70 m climb. Winning time is expected to be around 25 min. As you can see – fast – very fast!
Our first runner Jan starts at 9:43 and after the sprint he is eager to prove a point. Felix starts at 10:11 and is hoping that yesterdays run is an indication of today’s run. Kerschi, after a break yesterday, is stronger than ever and has been chomping at the bits to get started since yesterday evening.
The others, including the three officials, would like to run the WOC tour this afternoon on the area as well. I don’t think it will be possible to run the course but it will be interesting to see what the area is like at orienteering tempo :)
Anyway, we wish our guys the best of luck,
Greetings from
3 Kommentare:
Danke fuer die tollen Berichte. Gratuliere zu den bisherigen Leistungen. Weiterhin alles Gute! Grusz aus den USA, Erik
Gratulation an Kerschi und Felix - ziemlich beeindruckend eure Leistungen in der Quali!
Auch für heute wünsche ich den 3 Startern alles Gute und für morgen einen erholsamen Ruhetag!
lg. Christine
Gratuliere allen 3 heute zum Einzug ins A Finale!
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