Dienstag, 21. August 2007

The first final - middle

Well tomorrow the first final happens, the middle final where Austria has three athletes qualified. This promises to be a most exciting and closely contested final, although the winners do seem to be a forgone conclusion … but who knows, even Thierry and Simone can make mistakes. The terrain promises to be very technical, where a mix of good solid technical skills are required, combined with good running speed.

The course for the men will be 6.2 km long with 110 m climb and have 17 controls. It is likely to be a bit green, but certainly not as green as the qualification race. There will be a spectator control at around 60 % of race length, and there I will be standing to give the athletes water and encouragement. We hope and expect the winning time to be around 35 minutes, but with 34 degree heat and blue skies forecast, who knows…

Our first runner Felix will be starting at 11:37 (this – of course – is 10:37 Austrian time). Kerschi is following almost directly behind him at 11:41 and our latest starter is Jan at 11:55. The final runner to start will be Daniel Hubmann and we expect it all to be over, bar the shouting, by 13:15 local time. I hope that you will be able to follow it live, if not I’ll make a plan.

It is a given, that many of the top athletes will make some big and medal costing mistakes today, so anything is possible. Hold thumbs and cross fingers from our guys, and keep those wishes coming!

Greetings from Kiev,


1 Kommentar:

KLAUS hat gesagt…

Bravo, gratuliere Kerschi, Jan und Felix zu ihren Leistungen. Gleiche Zeit nach 36 min ein Wahnsinn. Hatten Felix und Kerschi nach der 2.zz Kontakt?
Felix für morgen alles Gute.
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