Dienstag, 21. August 2007

Rest Day

So, a day of rest. Great! The athletes need it of course, after the strenuous qualification over the last few days, and in preparation for Wednesdays middle final. Currently we do not have any start lists, but as soon as possible I will pass the information for tomorrow.

We have all had various things to do to day. Two headed out to the middle final model event, while Felix and I went for a shortish run around the island opposite our hotel. It was early, but already very hot and we were both sweating like.... well .... a lot by the time we got back to the hotel.

The others headed out for a run at 10h30 - pure madness - and also were sweating like mad when they got back. Later today is opening ceremony in the city and we will be leaving the hotel shortly to get to town on time. After this is dinner and then the team leader meeting about tomorrow's race - so still quite a program for the trainer and manager to go.

Once again, and I can't stress it enough, thank you all for your numerous messages and SMS's of good luck wishes to the team. Keep them coming, it only motivates them to perform better.

Wishing you all a pleasant evening before the stress of checking the results live tomorrow, from Kiev (of course :) )


P.S: More pictures tomorrow, when the connection is better!

1 Kommentar:

naomi hat gesagt…

wollt euch nur noch gach alles gute wünschen für die finals. von denen die es leider ned geschafft haben können wir sicher eine "outstanding performance" beim letzten und inoffiziellen wettkampf sehen.

ois guade also weiterhin.
ajo: des hab ich vorher entdeckt. fesch fesch markus :P